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New Member Section If you are new to HF, please tell us a little bit about yourself. What Helis do you fly? You will find our community very friendly, why not break the ice and introduce yourself.

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Old 11-23-2013, 10:52 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Default Idling up in NY/PA

What's up fellow Freaks.
I've been into R/C in one form or another for over 20yrs, mostly racing 1/10 2WD electric buggy, and most recently 1/8 4WD nitro buggy. I have also owned a few racing boat (both nitro and electric), and several electric park flyers (with some really interesting results, lol).

As you all can see, I am an R/C nut!!
Basically, if I can roll it, float it, fly it, or RACE it...I'm there

So, to tell a quick story on how I made my heli debut, here is the scenario:
I found myself out of town on location for my job near Mobile, AL, and of course, also found myself at the LHS (aka- The Crack House, to me ), and had been thinking of getting into heli flight. I had flown smaller aircraft such as a GWS Jenny, PZ P-51, and I can scratch build almost anything (I've recently made a 40" C-130, with 4 outrunners and a dropping cargo gate ). Overall, my flight time was kinda limited.
Why, you ask?
Welllll...see, I can get them off the ground, do really sick things with them, but it's that 'in-flite, glide slope landing' thing that ruins my, I thought picking up heli's would be the on.

So I stroll into the LHS, grab up a Blade CP pro, and march up to the counter to pay, right?
The clerk asked if I was buying it just to have fun on days when I couldn't fly outdoors, and i replied it was my first heli, and that I wanted to learn how to fly with a smaller one. He looked at me oddly, and asked if I would prefer a CX model, because it would be easier to learn with, as well as getting a flight sim?
I said, "No, I believe you practice with what you race", and that was that.

So I get back to the hotel, set it out on the box top, at the foot of my bed. Performed the recommended flight checks, and proceeded to idle it up just a smidge...until it came off the box and drifted side-in towards me...boxing me in between the wall and those oncoming blades!

Needless to say, that caused a mild blood pressure elevation, and prompted me to go outside into the parking lot of the hotel...where I crashed it almost immediately

So, long story short to any new heli pilots upcoming, please, please, please...get a flight sim, and practice in VR,'ll save you time, parts, and embarassment!

I have been into heli's now for over 3 yrs, and have learned alot. I'm no master, but I can keep it off the workbench and into the airfield now

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