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Old 08-21-2011, 11:58 PM   #6 (permalink)
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If ESC is cool then it's fine. Your batts are obviously working fairly hard, although 'hot' is fairly subjective.

I found that the apparent drag in the drivetrain seemed unusual too - when I spin the head by hand I only get a turn or two out of the main blades, even with blades on. I was worried about that too, but in the air I seem to get better consumption than I used to on my 450 Pro which spun easily. I guess the heli is lighter but whatever it is, it seems to be normal. I was told to loosen my belt on the motor side to the point where people would tell me it's too loose - I took this to mean about 5-6mm deflection on the front side with moderate force. It is a bit of an art to balance the tension between front and rear portion, but I am running my belt what I consider to be fairly loose, but not loose enough to get slapping in the boom or any slippage. If yours is set up like that you should be fine - it works for me.
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