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Old 07-23-2016, 10:26 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by R_Lefebvre View Post
All the info you need is available on Github. If you're really an engineer, you will be able to figure it out yourself. I think your main issue is that you don't understand how open source software projects work.

To everybody else, sorry, had a bad yesterday and was in a bad mood. Never should have engaged with this trolling.
You now call me a troll??? Oh my....
Trying to regain the moral high ground by apologizing and attempting to flip this back on to me.
Again... doing your Fred Astaire ...( quite poorly I might add)
I could not care less how open source software projects work.
I simply called you on the facts you posted verses what you claim as fact.
And guess what the two do not equal out.
Go back and read.....
Now I'll call as it is.
You posted, in a very specific time line your credence.
When that was proven questionable and confronted with the facts, you twist things around in an attempt to bail yourself out.

When you fail at that, you change your tack.... your only recourse is to attempt to put up a smoke screen.

You were in a bad mood yesterday simply because, you were called out on your stated facts.
When you could not disprove them, and obviously avoided them, you attempt to claim me as a troll in the end.

You've shown that when confronted and have no way out, you'll attempt to discredit another.
You may try to side step your way out, but be aware..
Your not that good.
Fain the tack your being trolled.
Anyone with a brain cell will come to the same conclusions given the facts presented in front of them.

There's an old saying:
"If you can't dazzle em' with the brilliance, baffle em' with the BS" .
From where I'm sitting, you failed miserably at both.


And kicked out the window and to the curb.
You sir, are some piece of work.
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